Agincourt Mall Redevelopment

Agincourt Mall Redevelopment


North American Development Group


Scarborough, Ontario

Design Team

Janet Rosenberg & Studio (LA)
Giannone Petricone Architects (Architect)
Bousfields Inc. (Planning)


In progress

Photography Credit: renderings by GPA

Agincourt Mall provides a unique city-building opportunity to create a complete, connected, safe and vibrant mixed-use community that builds on the retail history of the site while leveraging connections to existing transit, parks and open spaces. A connected public realm of streets, blocks, parks, and open spaces will form the underlying structure for the transformation of the 26-acre site. The proposed master plan includes a mix of residential, office, commercial retail, and community facility space, blended with an open space strategy that includes greenway linkages, public parks and private squares.

The landscape architectural components of the project include: a 2-acre Central Park; a pedestrianized retail promenade (The Rambla Area); a retail and patio lined public square; a POPS; a parkette; and, a network of tree lined streetscapes. The Master Plan design integrates best practices for public realm design and place-making. Part of the scope of work has included the preparation of Urban Design Guidelines for the project (July 28, 2020) that illustrate the principles that will guide the design of the built form and public realm for this new community.

The process is continuing to evolve and be refined through the municipal review process and public consultation. A construction phasing plan has been defined with development divided into six phases. A construction phasing plan has been defined with the development divided into six phases. Phase 1 is currently advancing forward with Site Plan Approval under review with the City of Toronto.

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