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Construction continues on Phase 2 of the Alberta Legislature Grounds Revitalization

Home to the provincial legislature building, the Alberta Legislature Grounds is a significant public space for Albertans to come together and celebrate their shared heritage and identity.

JRS is working in collaboration with GEC Architecture to revitalize the grounds’ North Plaza. Phase 1 – the reflecting pool and dome fountain – was completed in summer 2024 and officially opened to the public on July 1, 2024.

Alberta Legislature Grounds Revitalization Phase 1 (centre of image) opened to the public on July 1, 2024. Phase 2 (lower right of image) is anticipated to open in Summer 2025. Photo: Latitude Photography


Currently under construction, Phase 2 includes an interactive landscape and undulating “river” with mist, fog, spray, spouts, and groundwater animation play features. The water feature is lined with large, sculptural granite boulders, establishing a direct connection to the geological, agricultural, and cultural heritage of the province.

Project rendering of the Alberta Legislature Grounds Revitalization. Rendering: BRICK


To realize this vision, JRS and GEC worked with GMS Aggregates, a local Edmonton Quarry, to hand-select unique boulders unearthed from active farmland throughout central Alberta.

Large boulders make working the land difficult for local farmers. GMS assists farmers by extracting the rocks from their land for free, using them to make aggregate for building projects. Capitalizing on this service enabled us to sustainably procure something uniquely connected to Alberta’s landscape.

Once identified and selected in the field, the boulders were 3D scanned using polycam to give a full understanding of the shape, texture and character for use in the design process.



The selected boulders were cut in the field and transported to the Alberta Legislature Grounds by flatbed truck. The team – including GMS Aggregates, Scorpio Masonry and Encore Trucking & Transport – did an incredible job sourcing, cutting, transporting and placing these massive boulders on site.     

Phase 2 of the Alberta Legislature Grounds Revitalization is expected to be completed in 2025.



Client: Government of Alberta
Landscape Architect: Janet Rosenberg & Studio
Architect: GEC Architecture
Structural, Civil Engineering: RJC Consulting Engineers
Mechanical Engineering: AME Group
Electrical Engineering: SMP Engineering
GMS Aggregates
Scorpio Masonry
Encore Trucking & Transport